How We Protect You

COVID-19 is an ongoing and ever-changing public health emergency. Rest assured that we are taking all the necessary precautions to keep you safe. Willow Clinic follows all CDC-recommended protocols.

Doctor safety:

  • Dr. Keating will not attend any appointments if she is currently experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.

  • Dr. Keating will quarantine per current CDC guidelines if she has a possible exposure to or positive test results for COVID-19.

  • Dr. Keating will not have travelled internationally within 30 days of any scheduled in-home appointments.

Visit safety:

  • Equipment and adjusting table are thoroughly cleaned between patients.

  • 6-foot distance is maintained during history-taking portion of visit.

  • Hand washing or use of hand sanitizer will be implemented before patient contact.

Willow Clinic also adheres to CDC-recommendations to limit the spread of COVID-19. Per these guidelines:

  • Patients are asked not to schedule in-person visits if they or a household member are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19.

  • Patients are encouraged to get a COVID rapid test if they have a possible or probable exposure to a COVID-19 positive individual.

  • Patients will be able to book in-home visits once they are cleared by their primary care doctor after a positive COVID-19 test.

  • Patients are encouraged to book tele-health appointments whenever possible to limit unnecessary exposure.

Images provided by Jessica Keating